Hari ni..Shauqi dan Saiyyidi last day sekolah...Next year depa akan sambung belajar di Malaysia pulak...sian depa berdua ni..sedih nak tinggalkan sekolah ni..mana tak nyer..belajar kat UK ni...seronok! dan cikgu-cikgu pula friendly....nanti kalau depa balik Malaysia mesti terasa...nak buat camner...sabo aje ler!!

Shauqi dan Saiyyidi bersama kawan-kawan dan guru kelasnya.
Hi This is Tanya, Sayiddi might know me from foxborough, I didn't know that you had these pics online. I told everyone at school who was in this pic and they all said they wanna see it. I have sent it to some and they say they like them!